Tuesday Trivia

Image of Tuesday Trivia

$ 24.00


Tuesday Trivia -- It's Trivia on Steroids

What’s the most popular animal eaten before it’s born and
after it’s dead? Chicken

Tuesday Trivia is a fun, funny, and mind-bending game designed
to tease everyone from someone like your favorite uncle who
seems to have conquered everything trivial to your best friend
who thinks trivia is too hard and maybe even boring.
Whether you’re a bar owner looking to attract a crowd on a
Tuesday or a group of friends who meet for Game Night and
want something new to try out, Tuesday Trivia is for you. Play it
with your friends, family, or co-workers or take the book on a
road trip to pass the time. Tuesday Trivia comes complete with
instructions on how to throw a kick-ass trivia night. Wherever you
are, whomever you are with, this book is the perfect addition
to any get-together.

[Item 25]